preparation for an examination - Engineer Simple

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preparation for an examination

preparation for an examination

preparation for an examination


[There are a good number of students who work hard throughout the year but cannot take a good preparation for an examination. So they cannot cut a good figure in the examinations. Suppose, you are a teacher, and now suggest your students some ways or methods on 'how to take preparation for an examination',]

            Students need preparation for any examination. To take preparation for the examination, you have to work hard. Make your lessons according to your syllabus. It is better to make lessons according to the daily routine. Choose all the probable and important questions and prepare notes accordingly. But it is good to start reading attentively from the very beginning of the year. Read, learn and then write whatever answers you prepare. Do not memories any lesson without understanding it. Learning by writing is easy and it is also easy to memories a lesson by writing. So learn and write, then write and learn. In order to keep the lesson in memory, revise the course. To remove the fear of examination, practice some sort of tests to assess you progress and preparation.

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