Why Might You Use The "Search Network Campaigns with Display Opt-in" Campaign Type? - Engineer Simple

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Why Might You Use The "Search Network Campaigns with Display Opt-in" Campaign Type?

Why might you use the "Search Network campaigns with Display opt-in" campaign type?

• Your ads only show on the first page of search results

• You can pick the exact websites where you want your ad to show

• Your video ads can run on the Search Network

• You can use one budget to advertise on the Search Network and Disp Network

Answer: You can use one budget to advertise on the Search Network and Disp Network


The "Search Network campaigns with Display opt-in" campaign type is a great way to get your video ads in front of potential customers on the first page of search results. You can also target specific websites where you want your ad to appear, making it an ideal choice for businesses that want to control their advertising spend. This campaign can be used for your website, blog, or social media. It is a great way to build your website's authority, as well as to increase your website's visibility.

This campaign type allows you to show your ads on the Google Display Network, which includes millions of websites, apps, and video content. When someone sees your ad and clicks on it, they will be taken to a landing page where they can opt in to receive more information from you. This is an excellent way to generate leads and build relationships with potential customers.

Why might you use the "Search Network campaigns with Display opt-in" campaign type?

Why you should use this campaign type?

There are a few reasons you might want to use the "Search Network campaigns with Display opt-in" campaign. 

One is that your ads will only show up on the first page of search results, so you can be sure they'll be seen by potential customers. 

Additionally, you can pick and choose which websites you want your ad to appear on, so you can control your brand's message and reach a specific audience. 

Finally, video ads tend to perform well on the Search Network, so if you have engaging video content, this could be a great way to get it in front of potential customers.

If you're looking to advertise on both the Search Network and Display Network, you can use the "Search Network campaigns with Display opt-in" campaign type. This way, you can use one budget to advertise on both networks. Plus, your ads will be eligible to show on Google Partner sites- giving you even more exposure!

Learn More-What can be Deployed to Intercept and Log Network Traffic?

FAQs on "Search Network campaigns with Display opt-in" 

1. What is a search network campaign with display opt-in?

A Display opt-in campaign is a type of online marketing campaign that focuses on driving traffic to a website. These campaigns are often used for websites that have a high level of competition, but they can also be useful for websites that have a large amount of organic traffic. These campaigns are often used to increase the website's prominence in search engine results pages. 

In order to promote a Display opt-in campaign, the website owner must first create a Display opt-in form. This form will ask visitors to provide their email address so that they can be subscribed to the website's newsletter. Once the visitor has completed the form, the website owner will send the visitor an email with a confirmation link. The website owner will then track the email's open rate and click-through rate to determine the effectiveness of the campaign.

2. Why should I use a search network campaign with display opt-in?

There are several benefits to using a search network campaign with display opt-in. 

First, it allows you to reach potential customers who are actively searching for products or services like yours. This means they are more likely to be interested in what you have to offer.

Second, it allows you to collect contact information from potential customers so you can follow up with them and turn them into paying customers.

3. How do I set up a search network campaign with display opt-in?

To enable Display Expansion for your Search campaign, follow these steps: 

1. Log in to your Google Ads account.

2. Click on the "+" icon or “New campaign

3. Select your objective for campaign

4. Under "Campaign Type", select “Display"

5. Click on “Continue” under conversion goals

6. Select a campaign subtype-“Standard Display campaign” or “Smart Display campaign

[Both are same for Google policy]

7. Give your Website URL

8. Write your Campaign name on the box and complete other required settings.

9. Click on “Next

10. Set your “Daily Budget” Box

11. Under Bidding type select on “Viewable impressions”  [CPM]

12. Set your viewable CPM bid [How much you would like to pay for every 1000 impression-] and click on “Next

Note: The next stage, you have to more careful

13. Select your Targeting options carefully and click on Next

14. On the “Ads” category you should customize your “Ad creation

15. Finally click on “Next”

4. What are some tips for creating a successful search network campaign with display opt-in?

This campaign type is best used when your website is on a particular topic. It is best to use this type of campaign to send traffic to a specific landing page when you have a new product. 

There are a few things you can do to create a successful search network campaign with display opt-in. 

First, make sure you target the right keywords. Choose keywords that are relevant to your business and that potential customers are likely to use when searching for products or services like yours. 

Second, create compelling ad copy that will grab the attention of potential customers and make them want to click on your ad. Finally, make sure your lead capture form is easy to use and located in a prominent spot on your website.

5. How much does a search network campaign with display opt-in cost?

The cost of a search network campaign with display opt-in will vary depending on a number of factors, including the keywords you target, the competition for those keywords, and your budget. Generally, you can expect to pay a few dollars per click for most keywords.

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