The Shocking Truth about How Data Centers are Keeping Swimmers Warm! - Engineer Simple

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The Shocking Truth about How Data Centers are Keeping Swimmers Warm!

Data centers are essential for the functioning of our digital world, but they also generate a significant amount of waste heat. This heat is typically released into the environment, contributing to global warming and climate change. However, a new trend has emerged where data centers are using their waste heat to warm public pools. This innovative solution not only reduces the environmental impact of data centers but also provides cost savings for both the data center and the public pool. In this blog post, we will explore this viral trend and its significance in more detail.

The Problem of Waste Heat

Data centers are large facilities that house computer systems and associated components such as telecommunications and storage systems. These facilities consume a significant amount of energy to power and cool their equipment. As a result, they generate a large amount of waste heat.

The Shocking Truth about How Data Centers are Keeping Swimmers Warm!

Waste heat is the heat generated by a system or process that is not put to any practical use. In the case of data centers, this heat is typically released into the environment through cooling towers or other means. This release of waste heat contributes to global warming and climate change by increasing the temperature of the surrounding air and water.

In addition to its environmental impact, waste heat from data centers also represents a lost opportunity for energy efficiency. This heat could potentially be captured and used for other purposes, such as heating buildings or generating electricity. By not utilizing this waste heat, data centers are missing out on potential cost savings and opportunities for reducing their carbon footprint.

The Solution: Using Waste Heat to Warm Public Pools

How data centers can use their waste heat to warm public pools

One innovative solution to the problem of waste heat from data centers is to use this heat to warm public pools. This can be achieved by capturing the waste heat from the data center and transferring it to the pool through a heat exchanger. The heat exchanger transfers the heat from the data center’s cooling system to the pool’s heating system, warming the water in the process.

This solution has several benefits. First, it reduces the environmental impact of the data center by utilizing its waste heat instead of releasing it into the environment. Second, it provides cost savings for both the data center and the public pool. The data center saves money on cooling costs by transferring its waste heat to the pool, while the pool saves money on heating costs by using the waste heat from the data center.

Examples of data centers that have successfully implemented this solution

There are several examples of data centers that have successfully implemented this solution. For instance, in 2018, a data center in Stockholm, Sweden began using its waste heat to warm homes in the city. The project was so successful that it was expanded in 2020 to provide heat to more homes. Another example is a data center in Paris, France that uses its waste heat to warm a nearby public swimming pool.

The Benefits

Using waste heat from data centers to warm public pools has several benefits. These include cost savings and reduced environmental impact.

First, using waste heat to warm public pools can provide significant cost savings for both the data center and the public pool. The data center saves money on cooling costs by transferring its waste heat to the pool instead of releasing it into the environment. This reduces the amount of energy needed to cool the data center’s equipment. The public pool also saves money on heating costs by using the waste heat from the data center instead of generating heat from other sources. This reduces the pool’s energy consumption and associated costs.

Second, using waste heat to warm public pools can reduce the environmental impact of data centers. By capturing and utilizing their waste heat instead of releasing it into the environment, data centers can reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to the fight against climate change. This solution also reduces the demand for energy from other sources, such as fossil fuels, further reducing the environmental impact.

There is a real time example of this benefits. A public pool in the UK is expected to save £20,000 (about $24,000) and cut carbon emissions by 25.8 tons annually by warming a 25m and children’s pool with waste heat from a data center from startup Deep Green. The heat generated by a washing-machine-sized data center is being used to heat a Devon public swimming pool. The computers inside the white box are surrounded by oil to capture the heat - enough to heat the pool to about 30C 60% of the time, saving Exmouth Leisure Centre thousands of pounds.

Using waste heat from data centers to warm public pools is a win-win solution that provides cost savings and environmental benefits.

Challenges and Considerations

While using waste heat from data centers to warm public pools has many benefits, there are also several challenges and considerations that data centers need to take into account when implementing this solution.

First, the data center and the public pool need to be located close to each other. The closer the two facilities are, the easier and more cost-effective it will be to transfer the waste heat from the data center to the pool. If the facilities are located far apart, the cost of transferring the heat may outweigh the benefits.

Second, the data center and the public pool need to have compatible heating and cooling systems. The data center’s cooling system needs to be able to transfer its waste heat to the pool’s heating system through a heat exchanger. If the systems are not compatible, additional equipment may be needed to facilitate the transfer of heat.

Third, there may be regulatory and legal considerations that need to be taken into account. For instance, there may be regulations governing the transfer of waste heat between facilities or the use of waste heat for heating public pools. Data centers need to ensure that they comply with all relevant regulations when implementing this solution.

While using waste heat from data centers to warm public pools has many benefits, there are also several challenges and considerations that need to be taken into account. Data centers need to carefully evaluate these factors when deciding whether to implement this solution.


In conclusion, using waste heat from data centers to warm public pools is an innovative solution that provides both cost savings and environmental benefits. By capturing and utilizing their waste heat instead of releasing it into the environment, data centers can reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to the fight against climate change. This solution also provides cost savings for both the data center and the public pool by reducing their energy consumption.

While there are several challenges and considerations that data centers need to take into account when implementing this solution, the benefits make it a compelling option. It is important for data centers to continue to explore innovative solutions like this one to reduce their waste heat and minimize their environmental impact.

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