Sneaky Reasons Your iPhone Battery May Be Draining So Fast - Engineer Simple

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Sneaky Reasons Your iPhone Battery May Be Draining So Fast

Is your iPhone battery draining faster than usual? Are you constantly searching for a charger to keep your phone alive? You’re not alone. Many iPhone users struggle with battery life, but the reasons for the drain may not be what you expect. In this article, we’ll explore some sneaky reasons your iPhone battery may be draining so fast and provide tips on how to extend your battery life.

Sneaky Reasons Your iPhone Battery May Be Draining So Fast

1. Screen Brightness

One sneaky reason your iPhone battery may be draining faster than usual is due to having your screen brightness turned up too high. The brighter your screen, the more power it requires, which can result in a faster drain on your battery. To help conserve battery life, try lowering your screen brightness or enabling auto-brightness to allow your iPhone to automatically adjust the brightness based on the surrounding light.

Sneaky Reasons Your iPhone Battery May Be Draining So Fast

How do I enable auto-brightness?

You can enable auto-brightness on your iPhone by following these steps:

  1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone.
  2. Tap on Accessibility.
  3. Tap on Display & Text Size.

Scroll down and find the Auto-Brightness switch. Toggle it on (green) to enable auto-brightness.

Once auto-brightness is enabled, your iPhone will automatically adjust the screen brightness based on the surrounding light.

2. Location Services

Another sneaky reason your iPhone battery may be draining faster than usual is due to having location services enabled for too many apps. Location services allow apps to access your location data, which can be useful for certain features, but can also be a drain on your battery. To help conserve battery life, try disabling location services for apps that don’t need it or changing the location access to “While Using the App” instead of “Always”.

3. Location-Tracking Applications

Numerous applications can monitor your whereabouts. Constantly tracking your location uses power, which might shorten the life of your phone’s battery. To help conserve battery life, try disabling location services for apps that don’t need it or changing the location access to “While Using the App” instead of “Always”. You can also check which apps are using your location by going to Settings > Privacy > Location Services.

How do I disable location services for certain apps?

You can disable location services for certain apps by following these steps:

  1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone.
  2. Scroll down and tap on Privacy.
  3. Tap on Location Services.
  4. Scroll down to find the app you want to disable location services for and tap on it.
  5. Select Never to disable location services for that app.

4. Power-Intensive Apps

Some apps are extremely power-hungry and using them frequently can run your battery down quickly. These apps may be using a lot of processing power, accessing your location data frequently, or using other features that require a lot of battery power. To help conserve battery life, try limiting your use of these apps or closing them when you’re not using them. You can also check which apps are using the most power by going to Settings > Battery and looking at the battery usage by app.

5. Un-updated Apps

In some cases, apps may perform better if they’re up to date. Developers often release updates to fix bugs and improve performance, which can help reduce the app’s impact on your battery life. Un-updated apps can be a drain on your battery, so it’s a good idea to keep your apps up to date. You can update your apps by going to the App Store and tapping on the Updates tab.

How can I reduce the battery usage of power-intensive apps?

There are several ways you can reduce the battery usage of power-intensive apps on your iPhone:

  1. Reduce Battery Usage by Turning Off Background App Refresh: Some apps may be running in the background and draining your battery without you realizing it. You can turn off Background App Refresh by going to Settings > General > Background App Refresh.
  2. Delete or Offload Apps: If you have apps that you don’t use frequently, you can delete or offload them to save battery life. Offloading an app means that your iPhone will automatically delete an app that you haven’t used in a while, which can save storage space and reduce battery usage.
  3. Switch to Low Power Mode: Low Power Mode reduces power consumption until you turn it off or charge your iPhone to 80 percent. When Low Power Mode is on, certain settings and features are reduced or disabled to save battery life. 

6. Poor Cellular Service

When you are in an area of bad network coverage, your iPhone needs to increase the power to the antenna to connect to a network, which can drain your iPhone battery fast. This is because your iPhone is constantly searching for a stronger signal, which requires more power. To help conserve battery life in areas of poor cellular service, try enabling Airplane Mode or connecting to Wi-Fi if it’s available.

How do I enable Airplane Mode?

You can enable Airplane Mode on your iPhone by following these steps:

  1. Open the Control Center by swiping down from the top-right corner of the screen (on iPhone X or later) or swiping up from the bottom of the screen (on iPhone 8 or earlier).
  2. Tap on the Airplane Mode icon (it looks like an airplane) to enable it. The icon will turn orange when Airplane Mode is enabled.

You can also enable Airplane Mode by going to the Settings app and toggling on the Airplane Mode switch.

7. iPhone Battery Health

If your iPhone’s battery capacity is low, less than 80%, the battery may drain very quickly. This is because as batteries age, their ability to hold a charge decreases. To help extend the life of your battery, try using your iPhone in a way that conserves battery life, such as lowering screen brightness or disabling location services for certain apps.

You can also check your iPhone’s battery health by going to Settings > Battery > Battery Health. If your battery health is significantly degraded, it may be time to replace the battery.

How do I check my iPhone's battery health?

You can check your iPhone’s battery health by following these steps:

  1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone.
  2. Scroll down and tap on Battery.
  3. Tap on Battery Health.

On the next screen, you will see information about your iPhone’s battery health, including its maximum capacity and peak performance capability. If the maximum capacity is less than about 85%, it might be time for a battery replacement.

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