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IBM and Quantum Computing

IBM and Quantum Computing related FAQs

1. What is the current status of IBM's quantum computing effort?

The current status of IBM’s quantum computing effort is that it has the largest fleet of 20+ of the most powerful quantum systems in the world, and it offers cloud access to them for developers, researchers, and clients. It also has a quantum software platform called Qiskit Runtime that enables faster and easier quantum programming.

IBM and Quantum Computing

2. What is the ultimate goal?

The ultimate goal of IBM’s quantum computing effort is to build a million-qubit quantum system that can achieve quantum advantage, which means solving valuable problems that classical computers cannot solve and never will.

3. When will the first quantum offering(s) become available?

The first quantum offering(s) from IBM are already available through its IBM Quantum platform, which allows users to run quantum circuits for free on real quantum systems or access premium services with different plan.

4. Who will be the initial customers?

The initial customers of IBM’s quantum offerings are 210+ Fortune 500 companies, academic institutions, national labs, and startups that are part of its community of clients and partners. Some examples are ExxonMobil, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Mercedes-Benz, Mitsubishi Chemical, and Samsung.

5. How will customers use the technology?

The customers use the technology for various purposes, such as exploring new materials, optimizing logistics, enhancing cybersecurity, developing artificial intelligence, and discovering new drugs.

6. What are IBM's long-term quantum plans?

IBM’s long-term quantum plans are to expand its roadmap for achieving large-scale, practical quantum computing by developing new modular architectures and networking that will allow IBM quantum systems to have larger qubit-counts – up to hundreds of thousands of qubits – and to leverage an increasingly intelligent software orchestration layer to efficiently distribute workloads and abstract away infrastructure challenges. It also plans to foster a truly global quantum economy by collaborating with strategic partners in different countries and regions to build national quantum ecosystems, develop workforces, and accelerate R&D on a national and global scale.

7. Who are IBM's quantum rivals?

IBM’s quantum rivals are other companies and organizations that are also developing quantum technologies, such as Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Intel, Alibaba, IonQ, Rigetti, Xanadu, D-Wave Systems, Quantum Circuits Inc., ColdQuanta Inc., PsiQuantum Corp., etc.

8. How close are these enterprises to offering marketable technologies?

These enterprises are at different stages of offering marketable technologies. Some have already launched cloud-based quantum services or hardware products (such as Google Cloud Quantum AI Platform, Microsoft Azure Quantum, Amazon Braket, Intel Horse Ridge II, Alibaba Cloud Quantum Development Platform, IonQ Quantum Cloud Services, Rigetti Quantum Cloud Services, Xanadu Quantum Cloud, D-Wave Leap, etc.), while others are still in the research or development phase (such as Quantum Circuits Inc., ColdQuanta Inc., PsiQuantum Corp., etc.).

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