the national memorial paragraph - Engineer Simple

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the national memorial paragraph

the national memorial paragraph

Where is the National Monument situated? What does it symbolize? Who sacrificed their lives and why? What is the size of the National Monument?

            The National Monument is situated at Savar near Dhaka. IT bears a great importance to the people of Bangladesh. It has a symbolical meaning and significance to our nation. The National Monument symbolizes the heart-felt reverence of the people of our nation for the most honorable martyrs of the War of Liberation. It stands 150 feet tall but the martyrs whom it stands for are more greatly taller than this. It is an extraordinary achievement. The dimension of it can be measured but it stands for an achievement which nobody is able to measure Thirty Lacks patriotic and brave people of Bangladesh sacrificed their lives in order to liberate the beloved motherland, and the Monument has been built in honors of them. The National Monument is 150 feet by height standing on a base measuring 130 feet. The sight of it makes us emotional and creates the feelings of glory in the mind of the people of the nation.

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